The Fearless Commerce Podcast
Gathering industry professionals to discuss the state of the market, trends in fraud, and the future of ecommerce.
The Fearless Commerce Podcast
Brendan Witcher: Forrester Research VP & Principal Analyst, Digital Business & Strategy
Forget what you know: Why unconventional wisdom is the future of retail
Brendan Witcher, one of the leading thinkers on the future of ecommerce, stopped by The Fearless Commerce Podcast for a wide-ranging conversation about (spoiler alert) the future of ecommerce. Oh, but that’s not all. In a crisp conversation, Witcher unleashes his inner Dr. Phil to explain why some retailers enjoyed stunning success during the pandemic while others bumped along. He tells us when “fail fast” makes sense and when it’s not such a good idea and he fills us in on the one question about fraud and payments that people don’t ask him but should ask him.
This is The Fearless Commerce podcast, a regular plunge into understanding why commerce leaders do what they do and how they managed to embrace fearlessness in the face of retail.